Re: Script commands for conduit?

On Nov 12, 2007 1:39 PM, Shaun Barlow <shaunbarlowmusic gmail com> wrote:
Thanks again John.
I've been tinkering a bit with it and as far as I can work out there
is no way to simply trigger an existing syncset through the command
line or a script. Is this true?

Also, if I include the option -k, each time I execute the script
another identical syncset is added to the gui. If the script is run 10
times or 100 times the gui could become spammed with identical
As always, if I have missed something completely obvious please let me
know and accept an apology in advance :-)

Yep, you have it correct. I included the -g and -k options in my example so that you could see what was going on. If they are both omitted then the syncset is not show in the gui, and is deleted when the sync finishes. While this will do what you want, it might not be optimal.

As for syncing existing syncsets in the gui, its not currently possible (although it would be easy to add). I should get round to implementing this sometime, but to be honest there are probbably more important things ahead of it in the TODO list. Please file a bug so that I remember!

Otherwise call into the IRC channel and we will be glad to help you out


Cheers all,

On Nov 7, 2007 7:45 PM, John Stowers <john stowers gmail com> wrote:
> On 11/7/07, Shaun Barlow <shaunbarlowmusic gmail com> wrote:
> > Ok, I had a look at that stuff, and I'm completely at a loss to
> > understand most of what is there. Looks like I need to start learning
> > some python. Is there any generous soul around that could give me a
> > bit of a newbie-friendly basic description of how to achieve what i'm
> > after.
> OK. I have attached a small script that uses conduit-client to acomplish
> what you want. I think.... I am running conduit from SVN, and its got a lot
> of additional bugs at the moment.. making it hard to test.
> The script will need tweaking a bit. Basically setup a sync using the
> conduit gui and save it. Then have a look at the configuration file in
> ~/.conduit/settings-dev.xml for the relevant configuration for you phone.
> This should give you enough info to modify the attached scrip to fit your
> needs. From then on you should be able to run the script when your phone is
> near, and conduit should sync stuff like magic.
> Basically conduit-client is used to configure and start syncs using conduit
> remotely. If you are running conduit 0.3.4 then conduit client should have
> been installed. You can try it by typing
> conduit-client -l
> or
> conduit-client -h
> for help.
> Good luck, and let me know how you get on
> John
> > Apologies for my ignorance, I am a music student after all and suppose
> > it's to be expected.
> > Cheerio all,
> > Shaun
> >
> > On Nov 7, 2007 11:41 AM, Shaun Barlow <shaunbarlowmusic gmail com > wrote:
> > > Thanks man,
> > > I'm very much a complete beginner with this stuff (I did some coding
> > > and stuff in high school about 5 years ago, but not much since then)
> > > so I'll have to have a look next week when I have sometime to sit down
> > > and work it all out.
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > Shaun
> > >
> >

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