Re: [xslt] XSLT memory leak - GIT 2011-02-28 01:54:15, 7f741527832

On Mon, Mar 07, 2011 at 09:29:32AM +0100, Ralf Junker wrote:
> On 07.03.2011 05:25, Daniel Veillard wrote:
> > I believe any libxslt compiled without XSLT_REFACTORED leacked this for xsl:number.
> Yes, apparently so.
> But with XSLT_REFACTORED defined, compilation fails in preproc.c around
> line 423. This makes me wonder if XSLT_REFACTORED is the recommended
> setting? Is it any faster / more stable / better tested?

 I don't think so. It was basically Kasimier Buchcik and we never
 finished it nor made it the default :-\ This may be the reason why it
breaks now.

> >   I also reran "make valgrind" and it seems fine now...
> Fine here too, no more leaks with the latest changes.

  okay, good

> >   BTW your libxnlt is compiled with memory debug in the logs, not sure
> > you want that setup all the time :-)
> I know. Memory debug is required to show the memory leak trace. It is
> turned off for production. Anyway, thanks for pointing it out!

  it was just in case :-)


Daniel Veillard      | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit
daniel veillard com  | Rpmfind RPM search engine | virtualization library

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