Re: [xslt] Building on Solaris SPARC

Should this be reported as a bug, or has it been already? I did not see it while searching in the DB.

Thomas Floodeen, Jr.
Mentor Graphics BSD

-----Original Message-----
From: Floodeenjr, Thomas 
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 9:54 AM
To: 'The Gnome XSLT library mailing-list'
Subject: RE: [xslt] Building on Solaris SPARC

Thanks Ben,

> I used the attached patch.  It's a big hammer, but it gets the job done.  I wasn't able to figure out why the symbol version map doesn't
> work (the syntax looks fine to me[1]), so I simply disabled the symbol map entirely.

I see you just turned off the usage of the version script. That seems easier than the only other idea I found: gnome org/msg07624.html

That seems to work too, but is a bit more tedious.


Thomas Floodeen, Jr.
Mentor Graphics BSD

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