[xslt] libxslt security framework

Hi List,

I'm using libxslt through cpan's xml::libxslt.
When I use the Security Framework and deny anything through something like

sub violate { return 0; };
$security->register_callback( read_file  => \&violate );
$security->register_callback( write_file => \&violate );
$security->register_callback( create_dir => \&violate );
$security->register_callback( read_net   => \&violate );
$security->register_callback( write_net  => \&violate );

the document() function fails like expected, but xsl:include or
xsl:import can import arbitrary additional stylesheets.
Is it a documented behaviour?
I think it's a rather unexpected behaviour and could potentially lead
to a security issue.

Comments appreciated.
I'm using libxslt-1.1.9



Benjamin Vetter
IT / Informatik
plainpicture GmbH & Co. KG
Eimsbütteler Chausse 23
20259 Hamburg
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