Re: [xslt] ftp directory wrong on site?

On Mon, Jun 25, 2007 at 10:26:48AM -0700, Marc Adkins wrote:
> Page:
> points to:
> which doesn't have the latest version of libXSLT and doesn't have any
> version of libXML.  When the latest release (2.6.29 / 1.1.21) came out
> the email on this mailing list pointed to:
> which has the latest versions of both.  I don't know whether this is an
> oversight or not, but it's kind of confusing.

  the upstream release is . That where you find for example
RPM packages signed with my PGP key so you can check the source RPM
(and the the trball you can extract from it).

> I'm also still nudging for later releases of both libraries because of a
> segfault that can occur when using func:result.  William Brack's patches
> (the one to libXML may not be necessary but the one to libXSLT is) seem
> to work fine.  We're still doing performance testing but thus far the
> patches seem to make for a more stable release.

  Yes I know, I'm seeing this and understand. It's a bit annoying to make 
release after just one bug fix, usually we don't do that, but I may do it
if I find some time at the end of the week, right now I'm a bit too busy.


Red Hat Virtualization group
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