[xslt] ftp directory wrong on site?

Title: ftp directory wrong on site?


points to:

which doesn't have the latest version of libXSLT and doesn't have any version of libXML.  When the latest release (2.6.29 / 1.1.21) came out the email on this mailing list pointed to:

which has the latest versions of both.  I don't know whether this is an oversight or not, but it's kind of confusing.

I'm also still nudging for later releases of both libraries because of a segfault that can occur when using func:result.  William Brack's patches (the one to libXML may not be necessary but the one to libXSLT is) seem to work fine.  We're still doing performance testing but thus far the patches seem to make for a more stable release.

Marc M. Adkins

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