[xslt] extension function, python, nodeset ?


First, thanks for libxml2 and libxslt.

I would like to implement some python functions in xslt context. I found
how to parse a nodeset as an input, but not found a way to give multiple
nodes as output. Do someone know an example somewhere on the web, or a
documentation of the python API ?

To explain the goal, I need different regexp tagging, for example a kind
of hiliter, from a list of terms.

Authors may know what are their important words, but don't <span>feel
important to tag it, even if search engines</span> and readers could
find good use of it. A <inline>word</inline> already tagged.

<xsl:template match="definition/text() | span/text()">
  <xsl:copy-of select="my:hilite( ancestor::entry/term , .)"/>

How to output a nodeset like below from my:hilite() function ?

result="""Authors may know what are their <tag>important</tag>
<tag>word</tag>s, but don't <span>feel <tag>important</tag> to tag it,
even if search engines</span> and readers could find good use of it. A
<inline>word</inline> already tagged."""

For now I'm parsing that as a doc, so a root element is needed.

return [libxml2.parseDoc( "<needed>" + result + "</needed>"

Thanks for hints and better practices.

Fr�ric Glorieux <http://fictif.org/>

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