Re: [xslt] Indentation in final XSLT result document

On Fri, Apr 30, 2004 at 02:17:11PM +0900, Mike Hommey wrote:

> I think you are looking for <xsl:output indent="yes"/>
> Or possibly mis-interpreting how xsl indent output in accordance to the 
> stylesheet.

Hm, yes, its possible that im misinterpreting that. For example I
have such XSLT fragment (this is actually only html, but its just
some part without <xsl:template match..> and so on, because what is
important is format of HTML tags and they're indent..


and after xsltproc (I also have xsl:output indent="yes") I get


and I don't know why does it look like this, and not like:
	    and so on

What are the rules of formatting output document? Where can I
read about it? 
Maybe I'm missing some point here..

This is so important for me, because when I process a big HTML
document its totally unreadable in such form. Its just a big 
mess of tags and content, terribly hard to read :( 

Best regards,

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