Re: [xslt] scoped result tree fragments

--- Daniel Veillard <veillard redhat com> wrote:

>   Well, the ctxt->tmpRVT are supposed to be cleaned up when you exit
> their scope i.e. the template where they are declared,
>   See the end of xsltApplyOneTemplate() in transform.c that's where
> the deallocation occurs. If you don't exit templates, there is no way
> for libxslt to know that there is no more reference to them.

Ah, I missed that.  When I was stepping in with a debugger all I noticed was
ctxt->tmpRVT which looked like it persisted for the duration of the transform
context, I understand how it works now.  Changing my stylesheet to use more
templates should minimize the consumption.  

Aggressive dictionary use would also help.  Currently I used a lot of
xmlNewTextChild() to build the result tree fragment in an extension, which in
my case contains a lot of repetive element names.  Is there a way to use the
transform's dictionary to minimize memory usage?


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