Re: [xslt] scoped result tree fragments

On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 08:46:58AM -0700, Mark Vakoc wrote:
> Ah, I missed that.  When I was stepping in with a debugger all I noticed was
> ctxt->tmpRVT which looked like it persisted for the duration of the transform
> context, I understand how it works now.  Changing my stylesheet to use more
> templates should minimize the consumption.  

  yup, you need to add depth. Might be a bug in that processing too...

> Aggressive dictionary use would also help.  Currently I used a lot of
> xmlNewTextChild() to build the result tree fragment in an extension, which in
> my case contains a lot of repetive element names.  Is there a way to use the
> transform's dictionary to minimize memory usage?

  Hum, libxslt doesn't fully use the dictionnaries yet. But you should
be able to use it for xmlNewTextChild(), pass a NULL content, generate
a disctionnary entry with xmlDictLookup() for your text, using the
doc->dict, and the set the content of the text children of teh returned
element to that dictionnary entry. Libxml2 should take care of the 
(non-)freeing . Automatic dictionnary usage for text node content is
not possible because at some point a too big dictionnary performs worse
than no dictionnary, it's a trade off ...


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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