[xslt] libxslt optimizations/performance

While optimizing some of my XSL files I noticed that in some cases there
is a performance difference where it shouldn't really be.

if you do something like:
     <xsl:attribute name="id">
            <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>

instead of:
  <zzz id="{@id}"/>

then the first case is faster than the second case where logically it's
the same thing (isn't it?).

Using libxml 20430, libxslt 10023 and libexslt 714
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20426, libxslt 10023 and libexslt 714
libxslt 10023 was compiled against libxml 20426
libexslt 714 was compiled against libxml 20426

G.F. aka Gena01

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