Re: [xslt] disable-output-escaping disfunctional

On Mon, Apr 21, 2003 at 04:59:02PM +0200, Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
> No problem, I also provide open support at some places, and are familiar 
> with such guys asking silly and/or irrelevant questions. :)
> *But* rereading my mail, it is clear that I am using an xsl:text tag, 
> which is not connected to any XML source data. So presenting any XML 
> files used would be out of context, and a reason for confusion. So as 
> the problem is not in connection with any XML source data, I have not 
> included any...
> By the way, I'll work on on my own, and will try to find the solution...

  Only a reproductible testcase allows me to put a breakpoint at the
right location on xsltproc and find quickly where the problem might be.
If you don't provide the input, then I have to *GUESS* and this takes
time I don't have. 
  You still didn't provided that stylesheet. There is a *HUGE* amount of
things which may influence the serializer, for example HTML and XML 
code path are *totally* different.
  There is no excuse to not providing the input, I need the XSLT and
even if the XML is <doc/> then I don't have to spend time figuring out
if it is needed or not.

  You may spend 4 hours trying on your side, or spend 2mn providing me
the input and letting me figure it out in 5mn if you like, the only thing
if that I won't spend the 4 hours guessing if you do not spend the time
to put an attachment to your mail...


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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