Re: [xslt] usign windows filenames as SYSTEM identifiers

In message <>
          Ondřej Tučný <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm curious if there is a way how to use windows filenames as SYSTEM
> identifiers with libxml2-2.4.13 and libxslt-1.0.10. I'm using the xsltproc
> application.

SYSTEM identifiers are just URIs, so if you want to refer to a local file,
use the file scheme. This takes the form :

  file:///<file specifier>

Usually file specifier retains standard URI characteristics of using /
character as a directory separator, rather than the DOS \ character. IIRC the
triple / is because the initial // sequence means that you can traverse the
following data as hierarchial (ie stripping off a / component moves you 'up'
the hierarchy), and this would usually be followed by a location specifier to
give the position of the hierarchy - this is usually a hostname, and files
are local so don't have one. Thus to access a file in the working directory
called foo.xsl you would access (probably) :


To access C:\foo.xsl you would use (probably) :


However, it's possible that you might have to escape the : (I can't remember
this point off the top of my head) as %3A. However, since I've never seen
file paths of the form file:///C%3A/foo.xsl I doubt this is the case.

Probably someone who uses Windows can answer this question better, and I
apologise for the vagueness.

Gerph {djf0-.3w6e2w2.226,6q6w2q2,2.3,2m4}
... Eyes to the heavens, screaming at the sky;
    Trying to send you messages, but choking on goodbye.

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