[xslt] Work report/code review part 2

Hi all,

In the second of the series I'm providing a brief background on the 
breakpoint API I've used in libxslt  I've attached breakpoints.tar.gz which 
contains the header and code file for breakpoint related function.

A key concept  is the difference  between a breakpoint number and  a 
breakpoint id. A breakpoint id is a unique value provided to the user so they 
can work with breakpoints. Where as breakpoint number is indicates which 
breakpoint element to work with. I've continued support for setting 
breakpoints at template names/matches but as far as the API is conscerned 
everything revolves around the breakpoint number. 

I've run ident on this code and I believe that I've got the documentation 
comments correct and consistant. I leave to to have a look at the code. :-)  

Note: The code is surrounded by a #define not delcared in llibxslt config.h 
so the code could be patched in without affecting libxslt at all. the files 
would just compile to white space.

Next to be reviewed xsltaddon 



breakpoint header and code

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