Hi all, This is third in the series on the work I'm doing. This email is being posted earlier than I wished due to university commitments. In this email I cover the xsltaddon library. The background to this new library (based on xsltproc.c and xsltproc.h) is that I wanted to have the services provided by xsltproc (re-used the most of the code) but wanted to be able to override some of its functionality. This library is most likely to be subject to change in future years as its is difficult to predict how library users will use xsltaddon. What I've tried to model with this library's API is the basic stages that have to occur before a stylesheet can be executed/processed. So think this is where discussions should start. In any program there are five stages 1) Processing of command line arguments 2) Resource allocation 3) Processing 4) Resource deallocation 5) Exiting Hopefully the API covers these requirement sufficiently. I've been using xsltaddon for some weeks now with xsldbg. Comments, suggestions? In my build of libxslt xsltaddon has its own directory (like xsltproc) so I also attached the Makefile.am I've used for it. Next up : Changes recomended to transform.c transform.h bye, Keith attached : xsltproc.tar.gz
xsltaddon header, code and Makefile.am