Re: [xslt] introduction, xvl.

Daniel Veillard wrote:
>   Oops I missed this mail. Sounds really interesting, tell us if there
> is problems, libxslt should support the needs of such modules 'out of
> the box'. I would prefer to fix APIs early if things proves difficult
> to switch.

  Basically the module works fine, but I have some little things to add
- clean error reporting
- passing url parameters to the stylesheet
- basic caching ?

 It was VERY easy to use libxslt for that. The only missing part of the
was xstlSaveResultToMem() that has already been talked about and was not
hard to
write. The best thing would be to have libxslt stream it's output,
a sax event handler or filling an output buffer.

 I'm trying to do that before I left for vacation in July. But it is not
#1 on my todo list...


Fabrice Desré - France Telecom R&D/DMI/GRI
Tel: +(33) 2 96 05 31 43
Fax: +(33) 2 96 05 32 86

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