Re: [xslt] Error xpath.c:7416: Invalid type

Le 13/07/01 18:26:00, Daniel Veillard a écrit :
> On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 05:58:31PM +0200, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> > > any chance you could add support for exsl:node-set()?
> > 
> > I'm working on it, should be committed soon.
>   good,

Except for the problems reported in "XSLT conformance issues", Common,
Sets, Math and Functions modules seems to work well. I need to do some more
testing and integrate all the stuff in the source tree.
We'll need to talk about this integration a bit, let's do it in private.
I won't have time at all this evening, I should have some tomorrow.

> > Please notice that saxon:node-set(), xt:node-set() and
> > libxslt:node-set() don't work the same as exsl:node-set(). The later
> > accepts a node-set as argument whereas the formers only want result
> > tree values (at least in their libxslt implementation)
>   No garantee I implemented in conformance to what the authors of the
> given namespaces expected it.

SAXON accepts node-sets (since it has "forgotten" what are result tree
values) as well as XT (see <> )

So we only need to make a little change to xsltFunctionNodeSet to accept
node-set arguments.

I think moving all EXSLT registrations into libexslt would be better than
having some EXSLT extensions registered in libxslt/extra.c and some others
in libexslt/* (I'm thinking about exsl:document and exsl:node-set())


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