Re: [xslt] request for xmllint

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Veillard <> writes:

    Daniel> On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 10:00:01PM +0100, Geert Kloosterman wrote:
    Daniel> well within xmllint, this is doable, but there is already like 32
    Daniel> options to xmllint, is that really worth adding yet another one ?
    Daniel> Might be simpler to write a 10 lines C programe parsing the
    Daniel> document, removing the DTd and reserializing it.
    >> It would be a welcome feature for me too... 

    Daniel> I'm weak :-\


    Daniel> orchis:~/XML -> ./xmllint --dropdtd tst.xml 

The request was actually for a `--omit-xml-declaration' feature:

>>>>> "D.Allen" == Daniel Allen <> writes:

    D.Allen> Would it be at all possible to have a
    D.Allen> --omit-xml-declaration
    D.Allen> option for xmllint...often times I use it to reformat
    D.Allen> and xml tree fragment, and in that case, it is not
    D.Allen> appropriate to have an xml statement at that point.  I
    D.Allen> realize that this is an abnormal request since most of
    D.Allen> the time you just reformat the whole damn thing, but
    D.Allen> this is just how it must be used in my case.

    D.Allen> Thanks,

    D.Allen> Dan Allen

Would it be too hard to implement this also?


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