Re: [xslt] Expanding Stylesheets and [OT] dealing with manpages

On Fri, Aug 17, 2001 at 01:47:08PM -0400, Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams wrote:
> I am having problems with a stylesheet that has a lot of xsl:includes and
> tried to write a program to dump the expanded stylesheets from memory, but
> obviously xmlDocDump(stdout, sheet->doc) is _not_ the way to do it. What
> should I be using instead?

  Well the xsl:include merging is not done at the tree level. Moreover
the process of compiling the stylesheet really modifies the input tree
(removal of blank nodes, some namespaces are moved, etc.). This won't
work, at some point I had to decide if I should provide a way to do stylesheet
editing in an incremental way (say you modify the stylesheet and want
to see what it look like, and reserialize it if needed), but I dropped the
idea, it's too specialized and would make things really hard.
  Trying to reserialize a stylesheet from the compiled result should be
doable, but:
    - it's not trivial
    - just printing style->doc is really not sufficient
  and it won't do the merge of includes taht you expected.

> Second, I was wondering if anyone knew of a DTD/Stylesheet that can be used
> for generating manpages. I've done some searching through FreshMeat,
> SourceForge, and Google, but have had little-to-no-luck in finding a decent
> solution. I've found two packages, manedit and refentry2man, but they have
> their problems.

  Hum, I have heard recently about docbook2man, John Fleck said it existed,
I didn't tried it :-)


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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