Re: [xslt] Expanding Stylesheets and [OT] dealing with manpages

On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Daniel Veillard wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 17, 2001 at 01:47:08PM -0400, Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams wrote:
> > I am having problems with a stylesheet that has a lot of xsl:includes and
> > tried to write a program to dump the expanded stylesheets from memory, but
> > obviously xmlDocDump(stdout, sheet->doc) is _not_ the way to do it. What
> > should I be using instead?
>   Well the xsl:include merging is not done at the tree level. Moreover
> the process of compiling the stylesheet really modifies the input tree
> (removal of blank nodes, some namespaces are moved, etc.). This won't
> work, at some point I had to decide if I should provide a way to do stylesheet
> editing in an incremental way (say you modify the stylesheet and want
> to see what it look like, and reserialize it if needed), but I dropped the
> idea, it's too specialized and would make things really hard.
>   Trying to reserialize a stylesheet from the compiled result should be
> doable, but:
>     - it's not trivial

Just what I need: another devel task :P Feel like giving me some pointers?

>     - just printing style->doc is really not sufficient
>   and it won't do the merge of includes taht you expected.

Yes, I learned this the hard way.

> > Second, I was wondering if anyone knew of a DTD/Stylesheet that can be used
> > for generating manpages. I've done some searching through FreshMeat,
> > SourceForge, and Google, but have had little-to-no-luck in finding a decent
> > solution. I've found two packages, manedit and refentry2man, but they have
> > their problems.
>   Hum, I have heard recently about docbook2man, John Fleck said it existed,
> I didn't tried it :-)

I'm taking a look at it now (I need to update my libs; can you believe I'm
still at libxslt 0.11.0?!), but I was thinking of something along the lines of
'<xsl:output method="text">'. Ah well, it's a start.

> Daniel

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams  <>

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