Re: [xslt] Compiling stylesheets

 >o Write complite WebApplicatoins in XSLT
 >o No need for an additional scripting languages

How do you authenticate users with XSLT? Log requests to a logfile? Use
databases? IMO, you'll need something more than just an XSLT-processor if
you want to build a real application.

A small example: we've build an internally used client-management system
(using our internally developed programming language, to which I added
libxslt support).

Although the system relies heavily on XSLT to transform stored XML data
to HTML (and possibly other formats), most of the code of the system is
non-XSLT related, but handles things like database-interfaces, parsing of
user-arguments, stuff like that. In other words: XSLT is 'merely' used for
interfacing with the browser, and not for anything else.

 >o Speed if it's possible to do this with fastcgi and caching

FastCGI plus what? If I'm not mistaken, FastCGI is merely a protocol, not
an implementation. There's a Perl-implementation for FastCGI, though ;)

 >o protect the xslt-stylesheet source (if it's a comercial application)

Now this might be an interesting point. I'm myself not a fan of closed-
source, commercial OR non-commercial, but I do understand your dilemma.

However, even if you're able to compile a stylesheet, its binary
representation will probably be very much like a stored DOM tree or
something, which might be coerced out of the executables binary.

Secondly, you'll need code which can handle the DOM tree; atleast an XML
parser (to parse the XML-file you give as arguments) and an XSLT processor
(to combine the XML tree and the stored XSLT tree into the final output).

You might run into license-problems, though, because of the LGPL'ed code
you're including.


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