[xslt] Namespace problem

I'm having trouble getting xsl:value-of to work with namespaces.  I
have the following XML document.  I've declared a namespace prefix
'my:' byt I can't get seem to select any elements from this namespace?  

I've attached a simple XML file with a <document> tag and a <name>
tag, along with a stylesheet that attempts to transform this into
XHTML, putting the value of <name> into the XHTML <title> and into a
<h1> heading.  When I run the transformation using xsltproc I just get
empty <title> and <h1> tags.

Has anyone else seen this problem?  Is it a known bug in libxslt?



"The programmer, like the poet, works only slightly removed from pure
 thought-stuff.  He builds his castles in the air, from air, creating
 by exertion of the imagination.  Few media of creation are so
 flexible, so easy to polish and rework, so readily capable of
 realizing grand conceptual structures."
                        -- Frederick Brooks, Jr., The Mythical Man Month

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