Re: [xml] Availability of libxm2-2.9.0 release candidate 1

  Hi Eric,

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 04:59:16PM +1000, Eric Zurcher csiro au wrote:
I've had a quick try at building 2.9.0 on a 32-bit Windows system
using MS Visual Studio 2010 from the command line. There was a minor
problem in that none of the Win32 Makefiles seem to have been updated
to include the recent addition of the buf.c module. I think it needs
to be added to: Makefile, Makefile.bcb, Makefile.msvc, Makefile.mingw
VC10\libxml2.vcproj, and wince\libxml2.vcp (there are certainly lots of
ways to do things on Windows...).

  ah, good point ! Sorry I never use Windows
Another test which was introduced in 2.9.0 named testlimits.c is also
certainly missing from the Windows makefiles and could be interesting
to run at least once on Windows.

With buf.obj added to the dependencies, libxml2 built without
problems. Trying "runsuite" resulted in 10 error (all in the James
Clark suite - problems with parsing very large decimal values and

 I get those 10 too

thinkpad:~/XML -> ./runsuite
## XML Schemas datatypes test suite from James Clark
Ran 1035 tests, 10 errors, 0 leaks
## Relax NG test suite from James Clark
Ran 253 tests, no errors
## Relax NG test suite for libxml2
Ran 183 tests, no errors
## NIST test suite for Schemas version NIST2004-01-14
Ran 23170 tests (3953 schemata), 4 errors (0 internals), 0 leaks
## Sun test suite for Schemas version Sun2002-01-16
Ran 175 tests (40 schemata), 32 errors (0 internals), 0 leaks
## Microsoft test suite for Schemas version MS2002-01-16
Ran 7174 tests (4686 schemata), 523 errors (0 internals), 0 leaks
Total 31990 tests, 569 errors, 0 leaks
thinkpad:~/XML ->

Invoking "runtest" listed 10 errors as well - although all involved
test/ebcdic_566012.xml. This is probably the result of my building with
a rather old version of libiconv (1.9.1).

  Ah, well ebcdic support seems to be missing from Windows iconv
  versions in general, so that one is a known problem which tends to pop
up in all Windows runs, so if you only got that in runtest, that sounds
pretty good to me !

I hope to try the tests with the Borland compiler as well, though I haven't actually used that for some 

  Thanks for the report in any case !
Also if you have a chance to send the diff or the modified Windows files
that would be appreciated :-)


Daniel Veillard      | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit
daniel veillard com  | Rpmfind RPM search engine | virtualization library

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