[xml] Trying to make sense of testsuite errors with libxml2 2.7.6

Hi all!

I've downloaded ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/libxml2-2.7.6.tar.gz and compiled it with Visual Studio 2005 without warnings.

libxml2-2.7.6\win32> cscript configure.js compiler=msvc cruntime=/MDd vcmanifest=yes debug=yes prefix=.\debug iconv=no legacy=no

libxml2 version: 2.7.6
Created Makefile.
Created config.h.

XML processor configuration
              Trio: no
     Thread safety: native

libxml2-2.7.6\win32> nmake /f Makefile.msvc

etc. etc.

However, when I run the tests I get the following output:

libxml2-2.7.6> runtest.exe
## XML regression tests
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## XML regression tests on memory
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## XML entity subst regression tests
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## XML Namespaces regression tests
## Error cases regression tests
## Error cases stream regression tests
## Reader regression tests
Result for ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml failed
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## Reader entities substitution regression tests
Result for ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml failed
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## Reader on memory regression tests
Result for ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml failed
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## Walker regression tests
Failed to parse ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## SAX1 callbacks regression tests
Failed to parse ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## SAX2 callbacks regression tests
Failed to parse ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## XML push regression tests
Failed to parse ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml
File ./test/ebcdic_566012.xml generated an error
## HTML regression tests
## Push HTML regression tests
## HTML SAX regression tests
## Valid documents regression tests
## Validity checking regression tests
## General documents valid regression tests
## XInclude regression tests
## XInclude xmlReader regression tests
## XInclude regression tests stripping include nodes
## XInclude xmlReader regression tests stripping include nodes
## XPath expressions regression tests
## XPath document queries regression tests
## XPointer document queries regression tests
## xml:id regression tests
## URI parsing tests
## URI base composition tests
## Path URI conversion tests
## Schemas regression tests
## Relax-NG regression tests
File ./test/relaxng/595792-ext.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/addressBook.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/demo.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/demo2.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/demo3.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/inline.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/inline2.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/inline3.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/interleave0_0.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/interleave1_0.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/pattern1.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/pattern2.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/proofsystem.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/rngbug-001.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/table.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/tutor11_3.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/tutor14_1.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/tutor3_7.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/tutor4_4.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/tutor5_3.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/tutor5_5.rng generated an error
File ./test/relaxng/tutorA.rng generated an error
## Relax-NG streaming regression tests
## Pattern regression tests
## C14N with comments regression tests
## C14N without comments regression tests
## C14N exclusive without comments regression tests
## C14N 1.1 without comments regression tests
## Catalog and Threads regression tests
Total 2819 tests, 32 errors, 0 leaks

How do I figure out what went wrong??


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