Re: [xml] htmlDocDumpMemory() vs xmlDocDumpMemory()

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 11:25:14AM +0100, Julien Chaffraix wrote:

Sorry for not catching this in the first place.

  np :-)

 Now an HTML parser should make no difference between <br /> and
<br>, that's why it's suggested to serialize XHTML that way.

 The behaviour you mention sounds like a bug in my opinion, <br />
should be safe for both kind of parsing, except if internally Safari
loads as XML , reserialize as <br></br> and then hands this to the
HTML parser, I don't see any other logical way to achieve what you got.

No, we avoid moving documents from one parser to another. We determine
the document type using different methods (content-type header,
extension ...) and then use either the XML parser that uses libxml2 or
our own HTML parser.

  Okay, I was just trying to guess how it came to that result, thanks
for the explanations !


Daniel Veillard      | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit
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