[xml] validation fails for embedded RELAX NG schema

Hi everyone, this is my first post here. Thanks for the amazing
xsltproc and xmllint tools!

I would like to use a RELAX NG schema that is embedded inside some
"outer" XML file:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<wrapper xmlns='http://namespace.net/something'>
   <!-- Here would go a lot of stuff that belongs to the wrapper. -->
   <grammar xmlns='http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0'>
         <element name='data'>
               <element name='entry'>

Sadly, xmllint (2.6.32) complains about an empty schema:

example-schema.xml:0: Relax-NG parser error : xmlRelaxNGParse:
example-schema.xml is empty
Relax-NG schema example-schema.xml failed to compile.

I know, that I could pre-process my "mixed" document, and extract the
schema with XSLT prior to validation. But this would make the whole
project quite a lot more complex, thus I'd like to avoid it, if

I guess, that I am not doing anything illegal by using two
vocabularies side-by-side, as long as I use separate namespaces, or am
I wrong?

Is this a known limitation of xmllint, or maybe a bug?

Any thoughts about this are appreciated.


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