Re: [xml] libxml2-2.7.1, solaris 8, and xmlDictComputeBigKey

On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 6:43 PM, Daniel Veillard <veillard redhat com> wrote:
On Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 11:09:38AM -0400, Matt Goebel wrote:


  The changes around line 266 in dict.c which relate to
xmlDictComputeBigKey, at least on solaris, require the inclusion
of <sys/int_types.h> to pick up the defintion of uint8_t and uint16_t.

 hum, isn't there a more common header allowing to get those included ?
Seems stdint.h should allow this and we already have

#include <stdint.h>
#elif defined(WIN32)
typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;

 does solaris really not have stdint.h ?
I can't directly include sys/int_types.h , adding autodetect in should be possible but i would prefer to receive a tested
patch in that case.

Sorry for "blind shot", but whether Solaris's inttypes.h doesn't
includes int_types.h?

If yes (includes), then we can just include inttypes.h instead of
stdint.h or just both (after checking for existence by autoconf, of
course) for paranoia reasons.

From the Autoconf Manual:

    inttypes.h vs. stdint.h
        The C99 standard says that inttypes.h includes stdint.h, so
        there's no need to include stdint.h separately in a standard
        environment. Some implementations have inttypes.h but not
        stdint.h (e.g., Solaris 7), but we don't know of any
        implementation that has stdint.h but not inttypes.h.

Andrew W. Nosenko <andrew w nosenko gmail com>

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