Re: [xml] Processing information in a buffer to XML-document conversion

On 01/09/2008, Goran Hasse <gorhas gmail com> wrote:
Hello all,

 Sorry if I missed a section in the FAQ where this should be explained...

 When a  xmlParseMemory( ... ) i called a <! .... > xml processing tag
 is inserted
 in the document. This is most anoying. Is it possible to disable this
 in some way?

 I dont se the rationale for this. Can someone put up a strong argument?

If you have your syntax and terminology a little confused and are
talking about the <?xml version="1.0"?> that gets added at the top
when serialising a parsed document, this recent mailinglist thread
should cover all your questions above:
If not, can you clarify (with example code ideally) exactly what you are seeing?


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