Re: [xml] [xpath] How to print xml fragment


bagnacauda wrote:
My input xml file has got a recurring structure "TransactionError" as
I need to extract the content of the xml file (as a string) between each
couple <TransactionError>,</TransactionError>, the two tags included.
So I basically need to be able to populate a string in a loop with
then with
and so on
I can identify the nodeset (all TransactionError's) with an xpath
expression but then how can I get the string value? I've tried to use
the xpath2.c example as a guide by printing cur->content when
cur=TransactionError but it won't work.

As noted before, XSLT might be a good option here, depending on what the rest
of your algorithm does.

To write a node to a string, you can use xmlNodeDump or xmlNodeDumpOutput (if
you need encoding) to serialise it to a buffer:


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