Re: [xml] Why does "-" read from stdin?

Hi Tim,

It's fairly typical behaviour on Unix systems (may even be POSIX, not
sure). And no, there isn't.

It's typical behaviour for programs, not libraries; eg. fopen("-") does not return stdin. The issue I'm concerned with is the way that an API function taking a filename treats one value specially, requiring a check and escaping by the caller, when it seems that aliasing "-" to mean stdin is a decision to be made at a higher level, for example when processing command line arguments.

Sure - but so would CON under windows, or /dev/stdin, or /dev/ttys7, ...

These situations are different in that you can actually have a regular file called "-", and the xmlReadFile() function won't load it. This is different from calling xmlReadFile() on a filename that turns out to be bound to a socket or a pipe or some other blocking input (or an NFS filesystem for that matter). Blocking after trying to load "/dev/stdin" is not surprising, blocking while trying to load "-" is.

The header file and the doxygen comments do not even mention that "-" is treated specially; xmlParseFile() takes an argument called filename and xmlReadFile() takes an argument called URL, when the actual meaning of the value is more subtle: URL/filename unless the value is - in which case it means stdin. Again, this requires every caller to check for "-" and substitute "./-".

To be honest the special treatment for "-" seems more like a hack to simplify xmllint than a sensible API choice for a generic XML library. I understand that now is probably too late to change this kind of stuff, as libxml2 was frozen in stone years ago. But perhaps it's not too late to document it. How about changing:

 * xmlParseFile:
 * @filename:  the filename

to this:

 * @filename:  the filename, or "-" to parse from standard input

similarly for xmlReadFile:

 * @filename:  a file or URL, or "-" to parse from standard input

That would at least place a warning sign in the documentation for application developers to be aware of what the argument really means.

Best regards,


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