Re: [xml] What is difference between xmlTextReaderNext() and xmlTextReaderNextSibling()?

On Fri, Nov 03, 2006 at 03:31:20PM +0200, Andrew W. Nosenko wrote:
Sorry for possible stupid question, but what is difference between
xmlTextReaderNext() and xmlTextReaderNextSibling()?

Documentation for both say that they do
    "Skip to the node following the current one in document order
while avoiding the subtree if any".

Therefore, the question raised: what is functional difference between them?

  the later states:

  Currently implemented only for Readers built on a document

so it works only on a subset of the readers, while xmlTextReaderNextSibling
is generic, on the other hand it should be faster.
There might be semantic differences but I could not spot them immediately
the code is really different.


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