[xml] libxml2 platforms

Hi XML Team,
 my question is of some basic nature.
In the last days I have evaluated the libxm2 library if it could be used
for a software testframe where the control data for testing program units are
stored as XML files.
It is relatively simple and it is sufficient for me to use the XMLReader and the
XMLSchema interfaces and to have xmllint.

However we need the libxml2 for a number of platforms, i.e.
Windows, HP, SGI, SUN, IBM, Linux.
As to be seen on the web site there are binaries available for only a few
of these platforms.

I think it could be difficult to handle the update and maintenance
for a number of different libxml2 providers and I think the better
idea whould be to access the source from a single place and to build
the libraries by ourselves within our default process.

(1) First I would be interested in your opinion if this is the right
(2) If so, I would like to know, what is the
   - official site to get the source code from
   - is there all the information available (compilerswitches, ....)
     how to finally build the binaries on all of the above platforms
Thanks in advance
Manfred Rahmig

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