Re: [xml] Libxml 2.6.26 XML parsing bug

Op 7-7-2006 15:51 heeft Daniel Veillard het volgende geschreven:
On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 02:22:41PM +0200, Kris Breuker wrote:

Good afternoon,

When I run the attached fotoarchief.xml file through xmllint.exe
(compiled from the libxml 2.6.26 sources) just by running

  xmllint.exe c:\temp\fotoarchief.xml

I get parser errors about a comment not being closed and mismatched starting and ending tags:

file:///c%3A/temp/fotoarchief.xml:537: parser error : Comment not terminated


annoying if I run the exact same test on my linux box using either libxml2
CVS checkout or the binary installed on the system I don't have any problem,
valgrind doesn't see any problem either, I'm afraid it's very dependant on
your system. What happen if you use Igor's precompiled binaries ?

paphio:~/XML -> xmllint --noout fotoarchief.xml
paphio:~/XML -> /usr/bin/xmllint --noout fotoarchief.xml
paphio:~/XML -> valgrind xmllint --noout fotoarchief.xml
paphio:~/XML -> md5sum fotoarchief.xml
5eb8ec29c960c5b7cb53df6b6dfa2a84  fotoarchief.xml
paphio:~/XML ->

When I run the Windows precompiled binary xmllint.exe I get the same results, and when I run a local Linux build of xmllint I also get the parser errors.

However, my fotoarchief.xml file generates the following MD5:

btc1:/tmp/libxml # md5sum fotoarchief.xml
59b144b46156afb6a627fc589751386e  fotoarchief.xml

which is not the same as what you got, but when I save it in Unix format (my version is in Windows format), I get:

btc1:/tmp/libxml # md5sum fotoarchief_unix.xml
5eb8ec29c960c5b7cb53df6b6dfa2a84  fotoarchief_unix.xml

I have attached tgz'ed version of my version fotoarchief.xml, but just converting from Unix to Windows format may do the trick as well.


Attachment: fotoarchief.tgz
Description: application/compressed

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