Re: [xml] Problem when building libxml2 with Borland C++ 6

Eric Zurcher csiro au wrote:

I have recently learned that the libxml2 does not build with BCB6. The
problem is the result of the inclusion of the Windows header file
ws2tcpip.h by wsockcompat.h. The ws2tcpip.h header file (apparently
supplied to Borland by Microsoft) uses a macro, WS2TCPIP_INLINE, which
on non-Microsoft compilers gets defined as "extern inline". That's fine
for C++ compilation, but the "inline" directive is not recognized by BCB
when doing standard C compilation.

Arguably this is really a problem in the Borland header file, but it
would be nice if libxml2 could be compiled without having to modify the
distributed headers. The best patch I've been able to come up with so
far is this:
What error is it giving and is it possible that this might be resolved with some compiler flag(s)? I am unfamiliar with the Borland compiler, but I did see other projects like libcurl using the same include and building with BCB6.


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