Re: [xml] Problem with XML output formatting

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        Thank you very much for your excellent answer, Gait! That is the
information I needed.

        Best regards,

Gait Boxman wrote:

for starters, I assume you switched the close tags for options and
general in your example, otherwise it's not even XML.
the formatting of the xml document is done through text. The general
node actually contains:

a text node ( "<0d>       " )
the value1 element node
a text node ( "<0d>       " )
the value2 element node
a text node ( "<0d>       " )
the value3 element node
a text node ( "<0d>   " )

(don't punish me for the exact number of spaces, it's just an indication).

When you remove the value2 element node, you end up with:
a text node ( "<0d>       " )
the value1 element node
a text node ( "<0d>       " )
a text node ( "<0d>       " )
the value3 element node
a text node ( "<0d>   " )

so that's why you get the (not really) empty line. to get rid of the
empty line, you'll have to remove the node after the value2 node as well

when you then add the new value3 node in the end, you get:

a text node ( "<0d>       " )
the value1 element node
a text node ( "<0d>       " )
a text node ( "<0d>       " )
the value3 element node
a text node ( "<0d>   " )
the other value3 element node

and yes, when printed, the new node is placed right before the closing
tag, after the text node that takes care of the indent..
You'll have to handle the indentation yourself by handling the text
nodes in code.
Hint: drop any text nodes consisting of just whitespace after loading,
and use an algorithm based on the depth of the node to add the
indentation and line feeds just before printing.


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