RE: [xml] XML regression test cases...

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Veillard [mailto:veillard redhat com]
 Being novice about XML is fine, as long as you can understand the
the game in that area.
You seems to be missing somewhat how complex the set of specs related
to XML that libxml2 implements. sometime bugfixes implies changes of
because the behaviour is wrong accordingly to the associated XML specs,
and not fixing the behaviour to follow the spec would be a totally
approach, because the stability of the underlying specs is way greater
than the one of any software based on libxml2. So fixing behaviour to
the specs is the right approach to long-term maintainance, and to
the interoperability.

 In a nutshell
   interoperability at the XML level is more important than
   between libxml2 releases.

This doesn't mean that APIs or ABI get broken, actually you can poll
the linux vendors around and Sun Microsystems if you want, I'm pretty
they will tell you that libxml2 is a stable piece of code for them. It
it improves but applications don't break because of it.
It certainly is the case for Red Hat !

I completely understand the point you have mentioned, but same time my
real concern is for application/users of libxml2... because if
application is depends or based on certain behavior of library, which
changes release over release [I understand potential reasons for change]
then how application deals with that.. do they change the application...
or applications are usually transparent from these changes. 

I guess my real question here is to understand the impact of behavior
changes release over release on applications, and how they deal with
that? Or is it certain section/module of library which can vary
depending on the underling specification interpretation change, which is
really transparent to application... 

I am here not questioning the changes but same time trying to understand
the impact on application, which LSB cares most... I am putting this
question here as you have more visibility of usage and impact of these


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