Re: [xml] XML Schema: Nillable custom type error (PATCH)


On Sat, 2005-11-05 at 20:23 -0500, Sir Woody Hackswell wrote:
Hello, all!  I believe I've come across a problem with Schema validation.

Here's my scenario:
I have a custom type (in this example, "pricetype".  My Element is 
nillable, but the validator always bombs on it, because the "" item 
isn't in my xs:pattern list.  Nillable should hit before we check 
patterns, no?  Below my example is a small patch.  Thank you.


The current behaviour of the processor is correct in this case.
You need to set the xsi:nil attribute to "true" in the instance in order
to activate the "nillable" mechanism.

<Price xsi:nil="true"/>

The relevant spec pieces:



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