Re: [xml] XML Schema 'any' element support

On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 10:24 +0200, Kasimier Buchcik wrote:
On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 19:19 +0200, Martijn Faassen wrote:
Hi there,

I'm getting some validation errors with an XML schema containing the 

       <any namespace="##other" processContents="strict"/>

The errors are along these lines:

test.xml:25: element rfc1807: Schemas validity error : Element 'rfc1807' 
[strict wildcard]: No matching global declaration available.
test.xml:40: element dc: Schemas validity error : Element 'oai_dc:dc' 
[strict wildcard]: No matching global declaration available.

Verifying this against another validator (Xerces C, Xerces Java), the 
example does validate against the schema. This was to be expected, as 
the example I used is from the OAI-PMH spec (ListRecords, first example) 
and I'm using the XML Schema for OAI-PMH, see,, in 

libxml2 schemas seems to fail against it though.
After looking at the schema, it seems that the problem is not the
<any> wildcard: you need to validate with XSI-driven schema assembling.
The schema uses xsi:schemaLocation to load schemata dynamically when
needed. This is currently not accessibly via xmllint [2].
But you'll find an example at [1] about how do it otherwise -
Daniel did not add it to the code examples yet ;-)
If you need to use xmllint, you can create one additional schema,
<import> all other schemata and validate against this new schema.

In you lucky case the "##other" bug does not do any harm.

Would be happy about a feedback here.



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