Re: [xml] libxml2: bug in most recent CygWin version?

On Mon, Jul 18, 2005 at 02:30:30PM -0400, Mike Maxwell wrote:
Daniel Veillard wrote:
 2/ I don't think entity support for XSD makes much sense, you'd better
    always run with entities substitued

(I'm not clear what the XSD has to do with this--both the entity defn 
and the reference to the entity are inside the XML file.  But maybe I 
just don't understand...)

so use xmllint --noent --schema .... to run your checks.
I'm not sure this really qualifies as a bug. Best is to run it that way,
Yes, now that I see the description, I realize that's what I should have 
been doing.  (And the error msg goes away.) Thanks!

(But doesn't the msg
   Unimplemented block at
indicate a bug?  Or is this more on the order of an 'assert', a reminder 
to the programmers that s.t. remains to be finished?)

  Entities are not part of the data model of XSD, so should be substitued.
That just indicate you hit that point and while it might be taken care in 
some case, there is way more urgent stuff to do for the Schemas developpers
than this.

Ah, just to make myself look good <blush>:-)</blush>, the description of 
the "nonet" option appears twice (in adjacent lines) in the man page for 
xmllint, on both the CygWin and FreeBSD systems.

  Okay, found and fixed, 



Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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