Re: [xml] Need help on API xmlSchemaIsValid()...


On Wed, 2005-07-13 at 16:09 +0530, Sameer Oak wrote:
Kindly guide me how to use the API

int xmlSchemaIsValid(xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr ctxt);

xmlSchemaIsValid() just says if a previous validation succeeded or

What I can see I need to have a pointer "ctxt" to type
xmlSchemaValidCtxt. But how can initialize this pointer
I'll have a string buffer(i mean char *) which will contain the
This buffer somehow has to be converted to ctxt or there must be some
member of xmlSchemaValidCtxt to which I'll have to memcpy() the string

First create a W3C XML Schema parser context with:
 - e.g. xmlSchemaNewParserCtxt

then parse & compile the schema with:
 - xmlSchemaParse

then create a validation context for the compiled schema with:
 - xmlSchemaNewValidCtxt

then validate your in-memory document with:
 - xmlSchemaValidateStream 
   (Have a look at the code of xmlSchemaValidateFile(), which
    uses xmlSchemaValidateStream)

OR, first parse your in-memory document and create a node-tree with:
 - xmlReadMemory
and then validate the node-tree with:
 - xmlSchemaValidateDoc 

XML Schema API:

Parser API:



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