Re: [Fwd: Re: [xml] load() and includes]


On Sun, 2005-07-10 at 03:32 -0400, Trevor Lowing wrote:
 >since the XML Schemas implementation does it, and the code is there,
 >just read it !



Sorry to be so thick-skulled but, does the Schemas implementation load 
all the includes into one big DOM Document? If so, is there any way to 

No, the included XML documents are held separately in a list
by the XS processor.

access the DOM document and perform DOM operations? Or, am I stuck 

Access to those documents would be possible via PSVI [1]. But PSVI is
not supported yet - so no, at the moment.

trying to do weird stuff like you mentioned in the thread titled 
"Assembling xml documents from multiple wsdl files"? Could you point me 
to an example showing use of the Schema API close to what I need? I'm 
sifting through the xmlschemas.c code but I am having a tough time 
tracing things.

<xs:include> is processed in xmlSchemaParseInclude() in xmlschemas.c.

Load Schema(s) into a DOM document tree (including includes)

Could result in different/broken semantic of your schema, if included
at the node-tree level.

Validate Schema as a valid schema
Manipulate DOM document
save DOM document to new file




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