Sorry about creating this fuzz... I
posted the original message based on another developers problem - tried
it myself - and when setting the correct path to the vsd files I am not
able to reproduce the problem any longer. The other person is on vacation
for 4 weeks - I will have to wait until then to see if the problem is solved
or not.
Phone: +47 69215581 / + 47 92499076
email: espen ekeroth omxgroup com
MSN: espene halden net
On Thu, Aug 04, 2005 at 09:32:02AM +0200, Remy HAREL
> Daniel wants a small source code which can help him reproducing
> problem and see where it bugs.
Actually no. I need a reproduceable test case based on xmllint.
The fact that xmlSchemaNewParserCtxt() crash may as well be due to
a heap corruption generated by other parts of their code or
an instance validation using a different schemas ...
If the problem can be isolated to an schemas + an instance being
validated with xmllint, then it will be fixed quickly. If not,
there is no garantee, a standalone piece of code producing the
problem will be looked at but I don't want to debug other people
code, I have enough to do with mine.
Daniel Veillard | Red Hat Desktop team
veillard redhat com | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine
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