Re: [xml] SCO UnixWare 7.1.1 and libxml2 problems...

Greg Morgan said:

  I'm looking for any help on how to build a multi-threaded libxml2
on SCO UnixWare 7.1.1.  The OS has the maintenance pk4 loaded(which appears
to be the latest).  I had to doctor the configure/ to
use the "-lthread" vs. "-lpthread" on SCO otherwise it doesn't end up
enabling thread support since an actual -lpthread doesn't seem to
exist on the box.  I'm not sure why SCO does it this way, but I'm
sure there is a reason...

If that turns out to be a correct/needed fix we can certainly enhance the
configure script to do that automatically.  But first let's try to address the
remaining problems.

   The building of libxml2 seems to go fine, however doing a "make tests"
seems to result ~250-400 core files.  Clearly something is wrong.
Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated. TIA.


Fairly obviously, there is not enough information here for anyone to be able
to pursue the matter.  Were there any compilation errors?  Did the "make"
complete successfully?  "make tests" primarily runs the newly-compiled program
xmllint with various flags and files; the output from the "make" should show
those invocations.  If "core" files are being produced, there must be some
further information indicating what's going wrong.

If everything seems to go wrong, try running the newly-compiled xmllint with a
trivial xml file and see what happens, e.g.

bill $ cat test.xml
bill $ ./xmllint test.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
bill $

then report back the results and someone should be able to help further.



Greg Morgan
gmorgan performanceit com
xml mailing list, project page
xml gnome org

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