Re: [xml] method getNamedItem() of class DOMNamedNodeMap

On Sat, Oct 30, 2004 at 11:21:25AM -0400, Wayne Ayotte wrote:
// however, the following line causes no output to appear at the client, even previous echo's -- probably 
not reaching flush
echo get_class ( $objNamedNodeMap->getNamedItem ( "empHours" );  // from $str: <input name="empHours" ...
// I do get an appropriate warning from
echo get_class ( $objNamedNodeMap->getNamedItem ( 0 );  // warning ... expects exactly 1 parameter 0 given 

I have no urgent need for this. I am studying php/classing/xml/xsl. I most likely committed a very newbie 
error, simply transmit this msg to the nearest bit bucket and except my apologies.

  I bet:
    1/ getNamedItem get XPath under the hood, or is defined in XPAth terms
    2/ you xhtml has a default namespace.
    3/ getNamedItem end up doing //empHours which won't select any node 
       in a default namespace.

 it's XPath #1 pitfall for beginners.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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