Re: [xml] enhancing the error handling API

On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 12:03:25PM -0500, Stefan Seefeld wrote:
Aleksey Sanin wrote:

You can! You do not want to change/remove the existing error functions.
Which means that old error function simply must calls the new ones.
Of course, some parameters (file, line, etc.) will not be set but this will
help to do migration slowly.

By the way, I'm not convinced that a single generic error handler is
such a good idea. May be we can classify the type of error to make the
handlers a little less generic but more 'typed'. For example 'file' and
'line' attributes seem to be relevant only in the context of file

  Wrong, they are relevant in XInclude, in XPointer, in XSLT, in XPath
errors within XSLT, or even in the tree API ...

What about xpath syntax errors (say) ? Or (I'm coming from C++,
you'll notice) stream based input, i.e. when there is no notion of 'file
name' ?

  It's perfectly okay to have file == NULL, or some arguments not used.
No need to be tied to C++ to have generic I/O layer, as soone as you
have a pointer to a node or a document or an Input/Output buffer a 
relevant file or resource name can usually be extracted and returned.

I think the approach to capture all that in a single generic handler is
fundamentally flawed.

  You can have per parser context, I would keep that. For everything
else at least the signature of an error callback will be unified.
  The thing which annoys me the most with your mail is:
      - it doesn't suggest anything
      - the exact same points can be raised with the existing infrastructure
  So what's the point ?


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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