Re:Re: [xml] I'm trying to port libxml2 for Embedded OS.
- From: 김병건 <skysign dreamwiz com>
- To: xml gnome org
- Subject: Re:Re: [xml] I'm trying to port libxml2 for Embedded OS.
- Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 21:33:24 +0900 (KST)
>From: Daniel Veillard veillard redhat com
>To: skysign dreamwiz com
>Cc: xml gnome org
>Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 20:07:55 -0500
>Subject: Re: [xml] I'm trying to port libxml2 for Embedded OS.
>On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 09:26:14AM +0900, 김병건 wrote:
>> I'm trying to port libxml2 for Embedded OS.
>> Embedded OS which I target to port doesn't support POSIX.
>> most of Embedded OS is not rich to support POSIX interface.
>> so I think that I/O, thread, memory code need to rewrite,
> See win32/wince/wincecompat.* for existing work on non-Posix
>platform, especially the I/O. Threads support is not needed
>for libxml2, and for memory it's mosty a matter of providing
>the equivalent of malloc/realloc/free , see the xmlMemSetup()
>call in include/libxml/xmlmemory.h
> In a nutshell that should not be hard,
>Daniel Veillard | Red Hat Network
>veillard redhat com | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit
> | Rpmfind RPM search engine
Yes, I think that should not hard... :-) so, I am trying.
I saw win32/wince, it is a wrapping to support system call of file system.
In my opinion, many embedded os don't use file system to store data,
and cann't assure to support socket.
so, I think to need ... such as limited version of libxml2 for embedded os,
eliminated file system, socket, and all posix interfaces.
only parser, dom, and DTD, these thing is remain.
some special case, DTD is possible to eliminate.
how about this?
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