[xml] xmllint version 20508 with a strange behaviour


        I've just upgraded from libxml2 2.5.3 to 2.5.8 and I'm getting
a strage behaviour from xmllint:

[lucas wempdi_dirc60 xml]$ xmllint --version
xmllint: using libxml version 20508
compiled with: FTP HTTP HTML C14N Catalog DocBook XPath XPointer XInclude Iconv Unicode Regexps Automata Schemas

[lucas wempdi_dirc60 xml]$ xmllint --noout saida.xml
                //it's a well formed doc :)

[lucas wempdi_dirc60 xml]$ xmllint --valid --noout saida.xml
saida.xml:2: validity error: Validation failed: no DTD found !
                //of course. there's no <!DOCTYPE ...> DTD declaration:)

[lucas wempdi_dirc60 xml]$ xmllint --valid -dtdvalid router.dtd --noout saida.xml
saida.xml:2: validity error: Validation failed: no DTD found !
        Looks like xmllint not fetching the external DTD "router.dtd".

        Did anybody experienced this problem?

PS: I've got libxml2-2.5.8-1.src.rpm package from libxml's ftp and
rebuilded it.

bests regards

Lucas Brasilino
brasilino recife pe gov br
Emprel -        Empresa Municipal de Informatica (pt_BR)
                Municipal Computing Enterprise (en_US)
Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil
Fone: +55-81-34167078

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