Re: [xml] [patch] missing calls to node tracker

On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 01:38, Lukas Schroeder wrote:
hi john,

On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 07:35:30PM -0700, John Fleck wrote:
  Applied but modified to be conditional to the option --chkregister
xmllint should not have to pay the penalty for allocating another object
for each node while it's not needed generally. Performances matters even
for xmllint !

I'm not clear on what this does. Could someone explain so I can add it
to the man page?

libxml2 has two new internal callbacks:
  xmlRegisterNode and xmlDeregisterNode
these are of great help to language bindinds in tracking the nodes
libxml2 internally creates and destroys.

--chkregister of xmllint activates a simple node tracking scheme in
xmllint that helps in finding out whether the tracking api "kind of"
works (e.g. whether xmlDeregisterNode is called for every
xmlRegisterNode).  it's a debugging aid for developers for the
node-tracking api.

So if it said something like:

--chkregister - Turn on node registration. Useful for developeres
testing libxml2 node tracking code.

And there will be no directly visible effect on xmllint output?

John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h) jfleck abqjournal com (w)

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