Re: [xml] xmlRegisterInputCallbacks() from Python? CRASH

On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 12:33:54PM -0500, Brad Clements wrote:
One thing I noticed is that if I pass libxml2.setEntityLoader a bound method object, I get 
a GPF under windows when trying to load a stylesheet.

  Calling a class method or a pure method from C to python obviously are

It works if I use a top level function.

  yes because it's what the C code is prepared to accept.

Is there a way to set the entity resolver on just the base .xml document?


And I'd want to pass a bound method object, not a global function.

  Fix the C wrapper to accept both objects and send me the patch after 
making sure the regression tests still pass.
The functions are libxml_xmlSetEntityLoader() can Co. in python/libxml.c

How do I "apply the default stylesheet" to an XML document? That is, I have an .xml 
document that specifies it's stylesheet. Instead of creating the top level stylesheet 
directly and processing the xml that way, 

  cur = libxslt.loadStylesheetPI(style)

see libxslt/python/tests/


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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