Re: [xml] Problem with filenames with :'s in them on UNIX...

On Wed, Apr 09, 2003 at 03:42:33AM -0700, Sean Chittenden wrote:
Anyone ever ran into problems loading .xml files with xmllint that
have a : in the filename?

% xmllint -noout --valid --postvalid sa-01:32.xml

gnome:~/XML -> cp tst.xml sa-01:32.xml
gnome:~/XML -> xmllint --noout sa-01:32.xml
gnome:~/XML ->

file:///usr/local/share/xml/catalog:1: error: Start tag expected, '<' not found
CATALOG "sdocbook/catalog"

  Hum, having an SGML catalog instead of an XML catalog gives troubles,
that's normal.

sa-01:32.xml:3: error: failed to load external entity "sa-01://security_advisory.dtd"
<!DOCTYPE security_advisory SYSTEM 'security_advisory.dtd'>

  Okay, that's another problem. "sa-01:32.xml" loads fine, but
it's internally registered as having an URI "sa-01:32.xml" and
when the entity loader is asked to compute the URI-Reference
for the DTD:
    sa-01:32.xml + security_advisory.dtd

   The only way to try to avoid this internally would be to transform
the internal URI onto a file:///absolute_path_to_directory/sa-01:32.xml
As far as I know there is no construct allowing to use file:// scheme
with a relative path :-(

  One more issue with the Path/URI mess ...


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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